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Sunday, May 06, 2018


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Sponsorship Strategist Gail Bower

  • Organizations hire Gail Bower as their revenue strategist. She works with nonprofit organizations to put more money in their missions and with mid-market and larger firms to put more mission in their money. An expert on nonprofit-corporate partnerships, she is the author of "How to Jump-start Your Sponsorship Strategy in Tough Times." Gail is a a professional consultant, coach, writer, and speaker, with more than 25 years’ experience in marketing and managing some of the country’s most important events, festivals, and sponsorships. A trusted media source, Gail’s been interviewed about her work for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Marketplace, and Time magazine. For more information, visit GailBower.com.

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How to Jump-Start Your Sponsorship Strategy

  • Gail Bower's Guidebook: How to Jump-start Your Sponsorship Strategy in Tough Times
    Does the recent economic upheaval that sent seismic shifts through our culture have you wondering what to do next with your sponsorship development efforts? Marketing and sponsorship strategist Gail Bower wrote this short guidebook for you. Get the confidence, perspective, and techniques you need to jump-start your sponsorship strategy today. “A professional GPS system to keep you on a successful track.” - Steven Wood Schmader, CFEE, President & CEO International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA World)