You had a great conversation with a prospective sponsor. They’re super excited about the ideas you proposed, and you spend a couple days writing a rockin’ proposal.
Your colleagues add more suggestions. You finalize the document and want to pinch yourself—the ideas here are fantastic, and the dollar signs will take your event or organization to a new level.
You hit send and count the days till you get to discuss the proposal with the sponsor contact. You just know they’re going to love it and that this is the start of a long-lasting partnership between your organizations.
Did I mention all the money your organization is going to generate? Whew!
Might as well kick back and wait for the money to flow in, right?
Hit send, pat yourself on the back for a job well done so far, then get back to work.
Don’t stop. Use the momentum of writing that great proposal to move forward.
Keep talking to other prospective sponsors. Keep building your relationships with current sponsors. Keep making your sponsorship opportunity better. Keep building your own business development skills.
But do not slack off wishing and hoping and dreaming about what you’ll do when your proposal is approved. I truly hope it is accepted. Until then, don’t stop.
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