My friend and colleague Joe Brooks, president & COO of the USO of Pennsylvania & Southern New Jersey, writes in with details of a great partnership his organization has with Dunkin' Donuts. If you're in Philadelphia, tune in to Fox tomorrow morning, Veteran's Day, at 7:15 to see Joe in action. In the meantime, here's what Joe has to say:
Today and tomorrow the USO of Pennsylvania & Southern New Jersey (Liberty USO) and Dunkin Donuts (DD) call attention to their “November is USO Month” promotion.
With 6 ABC covering the event this morning, DD’s Louis Conte, left, presented [Joe Brooks of] Liberty USO with an initial donation of 250 pounds of coffee. Today’s donation is a small gesture towards a much larger donation to come at the conclusion of the promotion.
The event, held at their 1500 Spring Garden St. location, also generated dozens of “Thank You” cards signed by customers appreciative of the protection our armed forces provide to us. The cards will be shipped to troops as part of a holiday care package program we’re undertaking with the support of Lockheed Martin.The same scene will play out again tomorrow morning outside of Fox 29’s studios as Liberty USO and Dunkin Donuts will ask the general public to again sign the cards. In addition, I will be interviewed at 7:15 a.m. to talk about the DD promotion and of course the USO!
As a reminder the program offers a wonderful benefit to our troops:
- November is Free Medium Coffee for the Military Month! Yes, every Tuesday in November active duty military & our veterans (with ID) will receive one free cup of medium coffee at participating Dunkin Donuts.
- Buy 2 Pounds of Coffee and 1 Pound gets donated to the USO! Yes, between November 1 – 14 (just 4 days left) the purchase of 2 pounds of delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee triggers the 1 pound donation for our troops. Nationwide DD has committed to donating 100,000 pounds of coffee to our men & women in uniform. Let’s make sure the patriotic communities in Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey participate in force
The promotion has generated awareness of Liberty USO, will raise the morale of our troops via the Thank You cards, provide care to these same troops from the coffee donation and further advances Liberty USO as a strong promotional partner.
The tie engages Dunkin' Donuts customers, drives traffic to area (and national) stores, encourages sales, generates publicity for both organizations, fulfills Liberty USO's mission, and provides a bit of home to soldiers far from American soil.